Student Work

This work was created by two of my students (Lizbeth Miscles Rivera and Jiayi Liang) working in collaboration in my Topics Course “Living with the camera ON: photography and performance in the age of self promotion and late Capitalism” at the University of New Mexico Spring of 2019.

“Indigo Child” a photo book, printed and bound by student Mariah Allen for Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects at the University of New Mexico, Fall 2019

“the Topiary” installation view of student work by Ben Lane; exhibition I curated for my current students off campus at Trapdoor Projects in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ben’s work involved a performative dinner event in October which became this installation(place-setting from the performative dinner, bios of conceptual chefs and other promotional materials, menu) and a documentary film (below)  for Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects Fall 2019.

“The Topiary” student work by Ben Lane; a performative dinner and documentary film for Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects Fall 2019

two performative video works by student Chelsea Alvarez (of my Graduate Seminar and my Topics Course) Spring 2019; Chelsea has the ability of synesthesia and makes conceptual performative works about perceptions (both aesthetic and cultural).

mixed media work by student Philip Spuhler for Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects at the University of New Mexico Fall 2019


“Samsara” student work by Elleot Herrera, photographs taken at a growth site of mushrooms (the same site observed in three stages) on expired darkroom paper which is intentionally fogged and collaged upon for my Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects course at the University of New Mexico Fall 2019

performative work and temporary tattoos by student Jiayi Liang for my Performance + Photography Topics Course at the University of New Mexico Spring 2019

installation view of student work by Jiayi Liang of my Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects course Spring 2019; this work was part of an exhibition I organized off campus for the students at Trapdoor Projects contemporary art space in Albuquerque, New Mexico

(detail) of student work by Jiayi Liang of my Advanced Interdisciplinary Projects course Spring 2019; this work was part of an exhibition I organized off campus for the students at Trapdoor Projects contemporary art space in Albuquerque, New Mexico

(detail) of 3 photographic transfers on broken bottles by student Emma Tietgens, Intermediate Photography course at the University of New Mexico, Spring 2019

exhibition of Intermediate Photography student work I taught the students and curated their work for a Pop-up exhibition at the University of New Mexico Spring 2019

student work by Letisha Bustamante, Intermediate Photography student at the University of New Mexico, Spring 2019

“Dewey” a documentary by student Ben Lane for Intermediate Photography at the University of New Mexico, Spring 2019

experimental video by student Lizbeth Miscles Rivera, for my Topics Course “Living with the Camera ON” at the University of New Mexico, Spring 2019